Offering premium-quality H-Type Press Machine, Manual Pet Bottle-card Board Baling Press, Water Proof Testing Chamber, Hank Yarn Baling Press, Automatic Bag Filling Machine, and more. 
Adam Engineers is a reliable manufacturer, supplier, and exporter offering cost-effective durable products. Our product range includes H-Type Press Machine, Manual Pet Bottle-card Board Baling Press, Water Proof Testing Chamber, Hank Yarn Baling Press, Automatic Bag Filling Machine, and more. These are acclaimed for their design, reliability and rolonged economic life
Through innovative research and development in various fields, we have successfully designed complex AeroSpace material handling equipment products and application systems though continually upgrading existing products.

The best of products combined with rational pricing and prompt after-sales service are the essence of our reputation and customers keep coming back to us for all their requirements.

We are an ISO 9001:2015 CERTIFIED COMPANY having an excellent track record of quality
maintenance since commencement. At Adam Engineers, the concept of "excellence" is more than a corporate slogan, it is a daily business imperative that drives our design, production and testing service.

Our corporate philosophy is to bring the market new and state-of-the-art design with special emphasis on quality, safety, user friendly, simple in-line maintenance and most of all-long service life. All this complementary to the utilisation of the best quality of raw materials, tough design specifications & state-of-art manufacturing technology that ensures the ultimate quality at reasonable cost.

Our Strategies:

  • Manufacturing products of superlative quality & reliability
  • Strong customer & field support world-wide through life of the product
  • Proven track record of the product in operation since more than two decades
  • Custom building ability of any Aerospace Handling Equipment system
  • Service support 24 hours / spares
  • Pricing competitive
  • Features of On-line customer support
  • Excellent R & D facilities
  • State of the art manufacturing plants

We maintain a partnership with the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) and Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) for the production of specialized hydraulic scissor lift platforms. Additionally, we provide Annual Maintenance Contracts (AMC) for their lifts, hydraulic tower platforms, and the enhancement of their hydraulic equipment.

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